Governance of Quality Assessment Online Tool

This assessment tool was developed to support trustees and senior leaders of health systems in their oversight of quality of care by defining the core processes, culture, and commitment for excellence in oversight of quality. A guiding principle in the development of this assessment was for the board to view their role in quality oversight comprehensively in terms of the Institute of Medicine STEEEP dimensions (care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient centered) and the IHI Triple Aim. 

The Governance of Quality Assessment (GQA) tool should be used to evaluate the current level of performance for 30 core processes in six categories, to identify areas of oversight of quality that need greater attention or improvement, and to track progress over time. 

For more information on the development of the GQA, along with supporting research and resources, please review the IHI white paper titled Framework for Effective Board Governance of Health System Quality and located here:

The GQA takes an average of 10 minutes to complete. 


The Governance of Quality Assessment organizes the health system board's quality oversight role into six categories that include a total of 30 core processes a board with fiduciary oversight should perform to effectively oversee quality. 

Health systems structure quality oversight in a variety of ways; the processes delineated in the GQA are intended for the primary governance body that oversees quality. Health system CEOs should complete the GQA annually with their board, board chair, quality committee chair(s), and/or quality committee, or any combination of these, if applicable and engaged with quality oversight. 

For each item in the assessment, the person completing the assessment should indicate a score of 0, 1, or 2. Scores are then totaled for each category and overall.  
Score Description
0 No activity: The process is not currently performed by the board, or I am unaware of our work in or commitment to this area. 
1 Infrequent practice: The board currently does some work in this area, but not extensively, routinely, or frequently. 
2 Board priority: The board currently does this process well--regularly and with thought and depth. 

Thank you very much for your time and commitment to this work. Please start the survey now by clicking on the Next button below. 
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